Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Euphorbia hirta, Asthma weed, Cats hair... Cỏ Sữa lá lớn ... Photo hair essentials

Euphorbia hirta, Asthma weed, Cats hair... Cỏ Sữa lá lớn ...
hair essentials

Image by Vietnam Plants & The USA. plants
Vietnamese named : Cỏ Sữa lá lớn
Common names : Snake weed, Cat's hair, Australian asthma weed , Bambanilag, Bobi, Gatas Gatas, Asthma weed, Asthma.
Scientist name : Euphorbia hirta L.
Synonyms : Euphorbia pilulifera
Family : Euphorbiaceae . Họ Thầu Dầu
Species:E. hirta

Links :

**** www.lrc-hueuni.edu.vn/dongy/show_target.plx?url=/thuocdon...
Cỏ sữa lá lớn - Euphorbia hirta L., thuộc họ Thầu dầu - Euphorbiaceae.

Mô tả: Cây thảo sống hằng năm hay nhiều năm, có thân mảnh cao 15-40cm, toàn cây có lông ráp và có nhựa mủ trắng. Lá mọc đối, cuống ngắn, phiến lá hình mũi mác, dài 4-5cm, rộng 7-15mm, mép có răng cưa nhỏ. Gốc cuống lá có 2 lá kèm nhỏ hình lông cứng. Nhiều cụm hoa hình chén nhỏ ở các nách lá. Mỗi chén mang các hoa đơn tính. Quả rất nhỏ, đường kính khoảng 1,5mm, khi già nứt thành 3 mảnh vỏ mang 3 hạt rất nhỏ.

Ra hoa quanh năm.

Bộ phận dùng: Toàn cây - Herba Euphorbiae Hirtae.

Nơi sống và thu hái: Loài liên nhiệt đới, mọc hoang khắp nơi, ở những chỗ đất có sỏi đá, bãi cỏ, đường đi. Thu hái cây vào mùa hè thu, rửa sạch, dùng tươi hay phơi khô dùng dần.

Thành phần hoá học: Trong cây có quercetin, triacontan, jambulol, một chất phenolic, enphosterol, một phytosterol và phytosterolin, các acid hữu cơ (gallic, melissic, palmitic, oleic và linoleic), l-inositol và một alcaloid xanthorhamnin.

Tính vị, tác dụng: Cây có vị hơi đắng và chua, tính mát, hơi có độc, có tác dụng tiêu viêm, lợi tiểu, giải độc, chống ngứa, thông sữa; cây còn có tính làm dịu, chống co thắt và làm dễ thở.

Công dụng, chỉ định và phối hợp: Người ta dùng Cỏ sữa để chữa: 1. Lỵ trực khuẩn, lỵ amíp; 2. Viêm ruột cấp, khó tiêu, viêm ruột non do Trichomonas; 3. Viêm khí quản mạn tính; 4. Viêm thận, viêm bể thận. Dùng ngoài trị eczema, viêm da, hắc lào, zona, apxe vú, viêm mủ da. Còn dùng cho phụ nữ đẻ ít sữa hoặc tắc tia sữa.

Ở Ấn Ðộ, Cỏ sữa lá lớn được dùng trị bệnh giun ở trẻ em, bệnh đường ruột và ho; dịch lá dùng trị lỵ và cơn đau bụng, nước sắc cây dùng trị bệnh về phế quản và hen; nhựa cây đắp trị hột cơm, mụn cóc. Ở phương Tây, Cỏ sữa được dùng trị bệnh đường hô hấp (hen, sổ mũi, khí thũng, ho mạn tính). Còn dùng chữa bệnh về mắt (viêm kết mạc, loét giác mạc). Nó có tính gây xót đối với niêm mạc dạ dày nên cần uống thuốc trước các bữa ăn.

Cách dùng: Có thể dùng dưới nhiều dạng. Nếu hãm, lấy 1g cho vào trong 1 chén nước sôi, mỗi ngày uống 2 chén. Hoặc dùng cao lỏng 0,50g - 1,50g hàng ngày. Hoặc dùng cao nước rượu 0,05-0,10g hàng ngày, dạng poxio. Hoặc dùng cồn thuốc 1-3g mỗi ngày. Người ta cũng thường dùng nước nấu cây để chữa bệnh ngoài da hoặc giã đắp ngoài.

Ghi chú: Không dùng quá liều vì cây có độc, sẽ gây ỉa chảy và làm tim hoạt động bất thường. Có thể giải độc bằng nước sắc Cam thảo và Kim ngân hoa, mỗi vị 12-16g.

**** thuocdongduoc.vn/index.php?option=com_content&view=ar...


**** www.stuartxchange.org/GatasGatas.html
Family • Euphorbiaceae
Euphorbia hirta Linn.
Fei-yang ts'ao

Gatas-gatas is a slender-stemmed, annual hairy plant with many branches from the base to the top, spreading up to 40 cms tall, reddish or purplish in color. Leaves are opposite, elliptic-oblong to oblong-lanceolate, distichoous, 1 to 2.5 cms long, blotched with purple in the middle, toothed at the edge. Involucres are numerous, purplish to greenish in color, dense, axillary, short-stalked clusters or crowded cymes, about 1 mm in length. Capsules are broadly ovoid, hairy, three-angled, about 1.5 cms.

Abundant throughout the Philippines, in waste places and open grasslands.

Constituents and properties
- Studies have isolated gallic acid, quercetin, triacontane, cetyl alcohol, phytosterin, phytosterolin; jambulol, melissic, palmitic, oleic, and linoleic acid.
- Phytochemicals screenings have yielded alkaloids, essential oil, phenols, sterol, flavones and fatty acids.
- Flavonoids: euphorbianin, leucocyanidol, camphol, quercitrin and quercitrol.

Considered anti-asthmatic, antidote, anti-spasmodic, anthelmintic, antidysenteric, diuretic, expectorant, pectoral, hemostatic, sedative, soporific.

Parts used and preparation
Entire plant.

Called gatas-gatas because of the healing property of the milky juice.
Juice used for colics.
Juice used as ophthalmic drops for conjunctivitis or ulceration of the cornea.
Infusion or tea of the plant, 4 glasses daily, for bronchits and labored breathing, asthma, chronic dysentery.
Used for boils and wounds.
Decoction of dry plant used for skin disease.
Decoction of fresh plant used as gargle for the treatment of thrusth.
Decoction of the root used to allay vomiting, chronic diarrheas, and fevers.
Root decoction also beneficial for nursing mothers deficient in milk: 4-5 glasses of tea.
The same root decoction as an enema for constipation.
Root used for snake bites.
Used in sores, wounds, boils. As ear drop for pustular swellings in the ear.
Leaves are mixed with Datura metel leaves and flowers to make the "asthma-cigarette."
Latex also prescribed for asthma.
Superficial bleeding: Crush leaves and apply on affected paret, as local hemostatic.
In Brazil, decoction used for gonorrhea and asthma.
In Africa and Australia, used to treat hypertension and edema.
In India, used for treatment of syphilis; sap applied to warts.
Plant decoction: 25 gms of the whole plant to a pint of boiling water; boil for 3-4 minutes; drink 3-5 glasses a day. Externally as needed.
In traditional Indian medicinal systems, leaves used in the treatment of coryza, cough, asthma, bronchial infections, bowel complaints, helminthic infestations, wounds, kidney stones and abscesses.
Santals use the root to allay vomiting; also, used by nursing mothers with deficient milk supply.
In the Gold Coast, ground and mixed with water and used as an enema for constipation.
In La Reunion, used as astringent in chronic diarrheas and dysentery.
Roots used for intermittent fevers.
Recent interests from the folk medicine grapevine
• Dengue
• A flurry of queries and web blogs, gatas-gatas has found new interest for gatas-gatas (tawa-tawa) for its use in dengue, with increasing anecdotal reports of "cures."
• Decoction preparation: Cut roots off 5 to 6 gatas-gatas plants. Rinse. Put the tawa-tawa into a pot of boiling water for one minute. Cool. Drink the decoction, 1 to 1 1/2 glasses, every hour for 24 hours. (Also see: Papaya)

• Anti-Diabetic / Lipid Effect: Study of ethanolic extracts of leaf, flower and stem on streptozotocin-induced diabetic mice showed significant reduction in blood glucose levels. Biochem effects showed significant decreases in serum cholesterol with elevation of HDL. Results showed EH has antidiabetic action and suggests further study for isolation of responsible compound.
• Antibacterial: (1) Antibacterial Activities And Toxicological Potentials Of Crude Ethanolic Extracts Of Euphorbia hirta: The study showed the ethanolic extract to inhibit the growth of test isolates except Salmonella typhi. The antibacterial effect was attributed to the presence of alkaloids, tannins and flavonoids which have been shown to have antibacterial properties. The results support its use in traditional medicine. (2) Study on the antibacterial effect of compounds extracted from C sinensis and the methanol extract of E hirta against dysentery causing Shigella spp showed the extracts to be non-cytotoxic and effective antibacterial agents.
• Diuretic: Euphorbia hirta leaf extracts increase urine output and electrolytes in rats: Studty suggests that the active components in the water extract of E. hirta leaf had similar diuretic effect as that of acetazolamide. The results validate its traditional use as a diuretic by the Swahilis and Sukumas.
• Anti-Allergic: Inhibition of early and late phase allergic reactions by Euphorbia hirta L: Study demonstrated that E. hirta possessed significant activity to prevent early and late phase allergic reactions.
• Anthelmintic: Anthelmintic efficacy of the aqueous crude extract of Euphorbia hirta Linn in Nigerian dogs: Extract of E. hirta Study reduced the fecal egg count of the helminths and suggests a potential as an anthelmintic agent.
• Antihypertensive / ACE Inhibition: Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibiting and anti-dipsogenic activities of Euphorbia hirta extracts: Study showed the extract from leaves and stems inhibited the activity of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE).
• Anxiolytic: Euphorbia hirta showed an activity profile different from that of benzodiazepines. Study showed a central depressant and sedating effect with no hypnotic or neuroleptic effects.
• Antidiarrheal: Study investigated the antidiarrhoeic activity of Euphorbia hirta extract. An active flavonoid constituent, quercitin, was isolated; it show anti-diarrheic activity
• Antibacterial / Antifungal: The ethanol extract was analyzed for antimicrobila activitity against S aureus, B cereus, S typhi, K pneumonia, P aeruginosa and fungus species A niger, A fumigatus, A flavus and R oryzae. Study of leaves isolated tannins, flavonoids, alklaloids, glycosides, proteins, sterols and saponins. Antimicrobial activity was attributed to one of these constituents. Leaves collected from August to December showed more significant antimicrobial activity.
• Galactogenic: E hirta study in female guinea pigs increased the development of mammary glands and induced secretion.
• Antifertility: E hirta has been shown to decrease sperm motility, density of cauda epididymal and testis sperm suspension with 100% infertility.
• Anti-Malarial / Flavonol Glycosides: Study of aerial parts isolated flavonol glycosides afzelin, quercitin and myricitrin. The three compounds showed inhibition of proliferation of Plasmodium falcifarum.
• Anti-Inflammatory: n-hexane extract of aerial parts and its main triterpene constituents showed significant and dose-dependent anti-inflammatory activity.
• Anticancer / Antiproliferative: (1) Studies of extracts of E hirta have shown selective cytotoxicity against several cancer line. (2) Extracts screened showed anti-proliferativce activities against normal mouse fibroblast cells.
• Antioxidant: Studies of methanol and water extracts showed antioxidant activities comparable to that of green and black teas.


**** jpronline.info/article/view/74
Pharmacognostic Study Of Plant Euphorbia hirta L

Giram Ganesh Bhagwat

Euphorbia hirta L (Family: - Euphorbiaceae) is a folklore medicine of India used as antiasthmatic, anthelmetic,wound healing, antibacterial, antioxidant and diuretics. Powdered leaves of Euphorbia hirta linn were subjected to successive soxhelate extraction with petroleum ether (60-800C), chloroform, acetone (70%) and finally macerated with water so as to get respective extracts. Also cold maceration was done using water & Ethanol (70%).The extracts were screened for its physicochemical characteristics, preliminary phytochemical study of extracts and quantitative estimation of total phenolic and flavonoid content. The pharmacognostic study reveals that the plant Euphorbia hirta L contain phenolic and flavonoid constituents.

**** www.tropilab.com/astmaweed.html

**** www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19454510

**** keys.trin.org.au:8080/key-server/data/0e0f0504-0103-430d-...

**** euphorbiahirta.blogspot.com/2010/09/euphorbia-hirta-tawa-...

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